Sitting With The Wins

Dear Strong Woman,

The wins are hard to sit with sometimes.

I ran some numbers this morning and realized my coaching practice has generated 65% more this year than what it did in 2022. (And there are still 10 weeks to go!)

But it sure doesn’t feel like it. Time working on/in my business is more spread out so I usually feel like I’m not doing enough. Add to that new expenses, inflation, and those lovely little curveballs of life, it sometimes feels like I’m holding my breath in hopes there isn’t one more thing waiting in the wings to surprise me. 🫣

It’s an unfortunate relationship to a bunch of circumstances that diminishes the significance of this win. It’s the same way I used to (okay sometimes still) deflect compliments with a “Thank you, but…” often before the person is done speaking!

How long can you sit with how amazing you are? How long can you tolerate others celebrating you before you start getting uncomfortable? 😓

So here is your open invitation to make me squirm by celebrating this win with me. I’m going to practice holding off letting any “buts” keep me from sitting here. I might only make it five minutes, but that would be a significant improvement!

The discomfort is where the growth is, friend. Sit on your hands if you have to and stay there a while. You’ll make it, and you’ll be stronger for it. 🖤


The Gift of Presence


No Clean Slate